Orion Law Management Orion Desktop Articles Server and Workstation Clearing User State or Reset Views January 05, 2025 14:35 Orion allows for customization at the individual User level and it remembers how you settings based on the computer you access from. For example, If you just close Orion with modules open, but minimized, the next time you launch Orion, those same modules will be minimized View. Likewise, if you change your view setting, such as collapsing the Time Manager Calendar, the setting will persist upon the next time you launch Orion. This occurs most often when users drag modules to other screens, and then access Orion from a different computer. Orion will open the modules at the same xy cordinates saved from the other computer. There are times where it may become necessary to reset your view. In Orion, you have a setting called “Clear User State” from your “Help” Menu in the upper left corner of Orion. When you click on this setting, a box will appear with all of the Applications/ Windows you have been working with inside your Orion Database. Placing a Check Mark next to the Application and saying OK will place this Manager or Application back into Default State, meaning if you have any saved Screen or Grid Settings in that View, other than the Default Grid Fields, you will lose these and need to add them back. No work will be lost. Before clearing your user state, it's important you close the view first, otherwise, the problem will persist. For example, if you wish to reset your view for Time Manager, make sure Time Manager is closed when performing this action. After you have cleared user state or reset your view, please exit out of Orion for this action to take effect. Was this article helpful? Yes/No