Setting up Security Groups, Users and Workgroups

  • Updated

User Setup, in the Orion Administration Task Bar, is used to set up Users, Work Groups and Security Groups. Any individual who will use Orion Contact and Practice Management must be set up in this Group.

Individuals are set up as Users and are assigned to a Work Group and a Security Group.

When you first access the User Setup Group, by clicking the User Setup Header, the following icons appear in the Orion Administration Task Bar:



The Users button is used for setting up Users for the Orion Financial and Practice Management System. Any individual who uses Orion or is assigned to any Case, Contact or Event in Orion, must be set up, in this Manager, as a User.

To view an existing User or to create a New User, click on the Users button and the following Manage Users screen will appear: 


Work Groups:

Work Groups are set up and used to assign to Contacts, Cases, and Events.  This allows for reporting, grouping of views, and distribution of tasks by the Work Group. Each User is assigned to at least one Work Group. There must be at least one Work Group on file before you can set up any Users.

To view an existing Work Group or to create a new Work Group, click on Work Groups and the following Display Panel will appear:


Security Groups:

Security Groups are created in order to control User access to various sections and sub-sections of the program. Rights are assigned to each Security Group and each User is then assigned to a Security Group, inheriting these rights. There must be at least one Security Group on file before setting up Users.

To view an existing Security Group or to create a new Security Group, click on Security Groups and the following Display Panel will appear: 


Adding a User:

1.  Click on Users to activate the Users Display Panel, then Click “New”

The following screen appears:


2.  Click the “General” Tab and fill in the fields as required.

 The following table describes the fields of the General tab:




Full Name

The User's Full Name (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name)

Sort Name

The User's Name as it displays when the Manage Users box is open.
The system automatically flips the Sort Name to display as follows: Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial. For example, John H. Smith would display under Sort Name as Smith, John H.

User Keys

The Key Mapping (shortcut keys) this User will use. You must enter a Key Mapping that has previously been set up. To see the available options, click the Look Up Button to access the list.


A Timekeeper Level is assigned to each Timekeeper set up in the system and is used to establish a hierarchical order in Reporting, Prebilling, Bill Preparation and Invoicing. (If the User is not also a Timekeeper, this field will be inaccessible.)


Locations are assigned at the Timekeeper Level and the Matter Level and can be used as a sort order in most Management Reports.  Each Location Code represents a specific office location, site, etc. and relates to a “location code” in the General Ledger. (If the User is not also a Timekeeper, this field will be inaccessible.)

Practice Group

Practice Groups are assigned at the Timekeeper Level and can be used as a sort order in most Management Reports. (If the User is not also a Timekeeper, this field will be inaccessible.)

Target Rate & Cost Rate

Target Rate and Cost Rate fields may be used in any manner your firm desires and Reports can be written that utilize these Rates.  The Rates are not used for anything other than Reporting.  The Target Rate is typically the average Billing Rate at which you would like all the Timekeeper’s Time to be Entered and/or Invoiced. The Cost Rate is the Rate at which the Timekeeper’s Time must be Entered and/or Invoiced in order to cover the Cost of the Timekeeper to the Firm. (If the User is not also a Timekeeper, these fields will be inaccessible.)

Email Address

Used for Orion Practice Management; "Sender" in Email Bill Delivery and our Cloud Profile Access.

Private Dictionary

If checked...The first time a User “adds” a word during the Spell Check process, a file will be created "userdictionary.dct" in the User's \appdata\orion\shared folder.  


3.  Click the “Work Groups” Tab and the following screen appears: 


4.  Highlight the Work Group on the left and using the Right Arrow move the Work Group(s) to the Selected panel on the right. To remove a Work Group from "selected," highlight it on the right, and, using the Left Arrow, return the Work Group to the Available panel on the right.


5.  Once you have entered all General Information and assigned a User to at least one Work Group, click Save to save the User information.


 Field Descriptions – Administration Tab:


1.  Click the “Administration” Tab and the following screen appears: 


The following table describes the fields of the Administration tab:




Network Login ID

The User's Network Login ID (Orion uses this Login ID to sign into the Network to access the User’s Orion Database)

Security Group

The Security Group to be assigned to the User. The Security Group must have been previously set up. To see the available options, click the Look Up Button to access the List.


If the box is unchecked, the User has full access to ORION.  If the box is checked, the User has limited access within ORION based on the Security Group assignment.

Unrestricted Reporting

If the User is set to Restricted and this box is checked, the User has full access to Reports. If the box is unchecked, the User will be limited to Timekeeper ID or to any other Timekeeper ID for whom the User has Proxy Rights where Timekeeper ID is an option for filtering.

Practice Management User

Purchase of Practice Management software required. Available for Timekeeper or Entry ID level. Limited to available Licenses.

iOrion User

Timekeepers only. Can be set to enforce the use of a Passcode and/or enforce Auto Logout.

Remote Access

Based on the Firm's Discretion, Users can be set up to access the system Remotely. Also used for iOrion access.


Editing or Inactivating a User:

You can View, Edit, or Inactivate an existing User in your setup. If you change the User/ Timekeeper ID, Full Name and Sort Name, the program changes all existing Records currently using this Information.


 Editing a User Record:

1.      Double-click the specific Record or single-click the record and then click Edit.

2.      Make changes as required and then click Save.


Inactivating a User:

1.      If the User will no longer need access to the system or be assigned Events from the button bar, Open the User Record, click Tools, Inactivate User.

2.      When prompted, click Save.



Adding a Work Group

 You can Add a Work Group and assign Users to the Work Group in the system.

To Add a new Work Group:

  1. Click the Work Groups category, then click New.

The following screen appears:


2.      Enter the Description (name) of the Work Group then click OK to save the record.


Editing or Deleting a Work Group

You can Edit or Delete an existing Work Group record. Any changes you make to a Work Group are changed in all occurrences across the system. You cannot Delete any Work Group record that is assigned to a record in the system.


To View or Edit an existing Work Group:

1.      Double-click the specific Work Group, or single-click the Work Group and click Edit.

2.      Make changes to the description as required then click OK.


To Delete an existing Work Group:

1.      Click the appropriate record, and click Delete.

2.      Click OK to confirm the deletion.



Adding a Security Group

There are up to three levels of Security and the rights assigned to the top-level Security as you flow down to the lower levels unless changed on the lower levels. For example, you may give a User rights to Contacts, but may Restrict the User on the addition of new records for certain Contact Types.


Security Level:


Security Level



The top level of Security represents each major component of Practice Management: Contacts, Cases, Events, Administration, Intake Processes, Email Manager, etc.


The second level of Security represents sub-sections of the top level (Type = Object) and all five access rights are available on these levels. The second level of Contacts and Cases allows you to assign rights on a Case Type or Contact Type basis. This Security does not control whether a Contact or Case Type is available in a Pick List, but it does control whether or not you can add, edit, change or delete a Contact or Case of the type specified.


The third level of Security (Type = Sub-Object) allows you even further control over access rights. For example, you may give some access rights for Contacts-Clients, but may restrict access to Related Contacts or Cases.

To assign Rights to a User, do one of the following:

  • Highlight the individual option and choose the desired access right, or
  • Select multiple items, right click, and then choose the access right for the selected rows.


To add a new Security Group:

1.      Click the Security Groups category, then click New.

The following screen appears:


2.      In the Name field, enter a unique name for the Security Group. You can use a naming convention that makes it easy to identify the Security Group when assigning it to an User.

3.      Select the access right you want to assign the Security Group.

  • None - no rights at all - unable to view, edit, add or delete records
  • Read - rights to view records
  • Write - rights to edit records 
  • Create - rights to add records
  • Delete - rights to delete records
  • Full - rights to view, edit, add, and delete records

5.      Select the modules, buttons, and processes available to the Security Group.

6.      Click the Additional Settings tab. 

7.      Choose a Data View Profile for this Security Group. The Data View Profile specifies what custom screens can be viewed for a given type of Contact or Case and at least one Data View Profile must have been set up in the system.

8.      To allow this Security Group to use a different User's Settings, click the Allowed to use anyone's Person Settings option. Once the User is in Orion Contact and Practice Management, the User has the ability to login as someone else under another User's settings.

9.      Click OK to save the record.


Editing or Deleting a Security Group

You can edit or delete a Security Group, but you cannot delete any Security Group that is assigned to a User record in the system.


To view or edit an existing Security Group:

1.      Double-click the specific Security Group, or single-click the Security Group and click Edit.

2.      Make changes as required, and click OK. Your changes do not take effect until the User Exits Orion Contact and Practice Management and then re-enters the module.


To delete an existing Security Group:

1.      Click the appropriate record and click Delete.

2.      Click OK to confirm the deletion.

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