Orion’s Fee Cost Recovery

Orion allows for the automatic import of both fees and costs through its Fee Cost Recovery program.  The Fee Cost recovery program is an automated process that is hard configured to import and export to specific files, typically once a day.  Fee Cost Recovery is a licensed program, and to initiate a purchase, please contact support@orionlaw.com.

How Fee Cost Recovery Works

As previously mentioned, the Fee Cost Recovery System must be coded for specific files.  These files must be local to the Orion server. The below scenario is a typical example of how Fee Cost Recovery is implemented.  We have worked with dozens of different vendors, and while your situation might be slightly different, the process would not be much different. 

  1. A folder will be established on the Orion server inside the olms\orion directory that will contain all the valid files.  For example, the folder will be called Copy, or Control.  There are two main files that need to be in the folder,
    1. A validation file – This file contains a list of Clients and Matters for which a third party vendor may perform validation of data.  For instance, if you insert a Client-Matter Number at a copier, you want to make sure that the Client-Matter Number is accurate and correct.  This file is typically called Verify.txt and is created by Orion.
    2.  A transaction file – This file is an export from the software vendor in the specified format.  This file is imported into Orion on a scheduled basis and renamed after successful completion with a time stamp.  Typically this file is called Transaction.txt.
    3. Once the process has been automated, Orion and the third party software provider will make the daily imports and exports.  The Orion jobs are configured through the Windows Scheduler, and the Orion account be set to “password never expires.”  The times for the Windows Scheduler can be customized.
    4. Provided the files are imported and exported correctly, Users will receive notification of either successful or unsuccessful job completion.   They can then verify the data in Orion or check for errors in the Expense Manager.

Validation File

The validation file is exported by Orion and is typically called Verify.txt.  It is comma delimited with quotes, contains 4 fields and appears as following:  Client Number, Client Name, Matter Number, Matter Name.


“000100”,”Doe, John”,”000001″,”General Matter”

“000101”,”Smith, Jane”,”000001″,”Dissolution of Marriage”

Transactional File

The transactional file is provided by the third party software provider and is imported by Orion.  Orion accepts two different types of files, one for costs and another for fees.  Typically these files are called Transact.txt and Fees.txt.  The third party software provider must provide the file outputs in the exact specification.  Failure to do so can result in issues with some or all of the files importing successfully due to the nature of database programs.

Transact.txt (Costs File)

This file is typically for copiers and print jobs but it can have more types, such as Westlaw or Telephone charges.  Orion can accommodate up to 10 different transaction types in a costs file.  Each transaction type is assigned a unique Orion Expense Code and must be included with the import file.  The transaction types are,

C – Typically copy transactions

S – Typically scan transactions

L – Typically laser or print transactions

O – Typically color transactions

T – Typically long distance telephone call transactions

F – Typically fax transactions

P – Typically postage transactions

D – Typically disbursements, such as Westlaw or Lexis

B – Custom as needed

R – Custom as needed

The third party vendor will need to export a transaction file (Transact.txt) in a comma delimited file (with quotes as needed) in the following format (one line, and the example shown below is with Word Wrap).

“Client_Number”,”Matter_Number”,”Transaction_Type”,”Date”,”Units”,”Default_Unit_Price”,”Extended_Amount”,”Phase”,”Task”,”Number_Dialed”,”City_State_Region_Dialed”,”User Explanation of Charge”



“009999”,”000005″,”L”,”06/27/2012″,”2″,”0.10″,”.20″,”L310″,”A-110″,””,””,”Print Job”

“001000”,”001082″,”C”,”06/27/2012″,”1″,”0.10″,”.10″,””,””,””,””,”Copy Job”


Other Concerns

  • The “Client_Number” should be EXACTLY as it appears in ORION.
  • The “Matter_Number” should be EXACTLY as it appears in ORION.
  • The “Date” should be as follows: mm/dd/yyyy.
  • The “Units” should be whole numbers.  For “T” and “P” this can be be “0” or “1.”
  • The “Default_Unit_Price” should be carried out to two decimal places.  We should confirm with the Client what the default unit price is for each type captured.
  • The “Extended_Amount” will be calculated by taking “Units” and multiplying it against the “Default_Unit_Amount” for “C,” “F,” “L,” “S,” and “O.”  For “T” this will be the Amount of the Long Distance call.  For “P” this will be the Amount of the Postage charge.
  • The “Phase” can be blank (I will assign all to “E100”).
  • The “Task” can be blank (I will assign based on the “Transaction_Type”).
  • The “Number_Dialed” will be the number dialed when placing the Long Distance Call or Fax.  For “C,” “P,” “L,” “S,” and “O,” this will be blank.
  • The “City_State_Region_Dialed” will be the location/desitination of who is being called (or faxed).  For “C,” “P,” “L,” “S,” and “O,” this will be blank.
  • The “User Explanation of Charge” is what is typed at the terminal (if entered) to be included with the Expense Description for billing purposes.

Orion will always import the exact dollar amount listed in the file.  If you have different dollar amounts that need to be calculated for different Clients, you either need to control this in Orion or with the third party software.  For example, if you have a Matter for which you want to charge .10 per transaction and the import file has a default of .25, you can create an override in Orion for that Client or Matter. Simply add the override on the Client or Matter record through File Maintenance Manager.

Fees.txt (fee import)

Orion can import fees from third party software.  This can be another time and billing or case management system. The third party software provider must provide the file outputs in the exact specification. Failure to do so can result in issues with some or all of the files from importing successfully due to the nature of database programs.

The fee’s file works the same way as the other items, and is scheduled through a windows scheduled task to import on a timely basis.  The Fees.txt file should be pipe delimited and contain the following fields (one line that has word wrap here).



000100|000001|1/31/2011|KCH|1.2|150.00|Telephone conference with opposing counsel regarding possible settlement|L100|L120|A101|JDY|2/15/2011|13|45|30

Other Concerns

  • The “Client_Number” should be EXACTLY as it appears in ORION.
  • The “Matter_Number” should be EXACTLY as it appears in ORION.
  • The “WorkDate” should be as follows mm/dd/yyyy.
  • The “PersonCode” should be the Timekeeper ID field as it appears in Orion.
  • The “Time” should be whole numbers.  You may use tenths or hundredths but it should match the settings in Orion.
  • The “Dollars” field should contain two decimal places.
  • The “Phase” can be blank, but if the the field is required in Orion it should be included.  Phase Tasks requirements are set a client or matter level.
  • The “Task” can be blank, but if the field is required in Orion it should be included.  Phase Tasks requirements are set at the Client level or the Matter level.
  • The “ActivityCode” should match an Activity Code in Orion
  • The “EntryPersonCode” can be left blank, but if included should match Orion ID. 


This document should be shared with your third party provider so they are aware of the requirements.  If you still have questions, feel free to contact us at support@orionlaw.com

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