Connecting Cloud Data to On-Premises

  • Updated

This guide will walk you through connecting an on-remises Server/Workstation to the Azure container.   In this guide, we will utilize CloudBerry Drive, which is a widely used third-party tool offered at a nominal price.   There are many tools you can use (including freeware) that can connect to an Azure Container you may use, but we have found this software to be the among the easiest and best.

To begin, you must have an Account Code and Shared Key provided by Orion.

    1.  Download CloudDrive and install it using normal setup wizards.  Link.

    2.  Once installed, click on the Storage Accounts Tab and choose Add


    3.  Choose Azure Blob and enter the Account and Shared Key provided to you by Orion.


4.  Say Okay, and move to the Mapped Drives Tab, Choose Add.


    5.  Choose the Azure you just created.  Assign it a Drive Letter.  Note, this drive will NOT be accessible over your network unless you check mark the box to allow access to other computers.  If the third-party provider is working from this machine, they probably will not need it, but if they need to interact with these files over the local network, it may be required.


    6.  At this point, you have access to the firms data.  Each vendor will have a slightly different path for files.   Orion can provide more guidance on the exact location if needed.  You can now provide this location to the third-party vendor to schedule uploads and downloads.



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