Orion Law Management Getting Started with Orion Overview of Orion Time Manager Updated April 14, 2024 17:32 Fee or time transactions are managed by choosing the TIME MANAGER Button from the ORION Desktop Program Group Task Bar. The Time Manager should be reviewed daily to assure that all billable hours are entered. In addition to checking for missing time, the Time Manager is also an excellent and quick way to check your billable hours through the current month or year. New fee transactions may be entered by selecting the NEW Button from the toolbar. Fee transactions are viewed in detail using the Time Manager main grid and detail panel. A summary view is also provided via the Fee Calendar. Transactions can be edited, deleted, spell checked and reported on from the Time Manager. Time Manager Button Launching the Time Manager To launch the Time Manager, choose the TIME MANAGER Button from the Task Bar. The following screen will appear: The Time Manager is made up of three separate, but related panels. The left- hand side displays Fee (or time) transactions in detail. This panel is referred to as the Main Grid and is controlled by a Filter (or View) and the Fee Calendar. The Detail Panel provides additional information about the Fee transaction such as the Description, who entered it and the date the Fee was entered. The Fee Calendar provides a summary of Hours and Amount by Timekeeper and Date. Fee transactions can spell checked from the TOOLS Button. Reports for Fee transactions can be printed in summary or detail by using the REPORTS Button. Show Chart Orion can display a quick visual chart of key time metrics by clickin the SHOW CHART button. Filter Settings for On-Screen Listings The Main Grid for the Time Manager is controlled by either the Filter settings or by the Fee Calendar. The Filter allows you to specify a range of transactions to display in the Main Grid. When you choose Filter setup from the toolbar, the following screen will appear: Following are details on each of the options found in Filter Setup. Options Description Date Range Enter a date range for the transactions you want to view. You may manually enter the dates or use the POP-UP CALENDAR Button in each field to choose your dates. The date entered here can apply to either the Date of Word or Date of Entry Status Place a check mark in the appropriate box(es) to specify whether you want the list to display Incomplete Fees, Unreleased Fees, Unbilled Fees (WIP), Billed Fees, or all of the above. A Fee transaction that is either missing a required field, contains invalid information or is related to a Matter that is closed, is identified as Incomplete. An Unreleased Fee is one that either was Saved as Unreleased, imported from another program as an Unreleased Fee, or was created by one of several functions from ORION’s Practice Management system. Client-Matter To view time for all Client-Matters, place an asterisk in the left most part of the Client field. To view time for all Matters for one Client, enter the Client Number and then enter anasterisk in the left most part of the Matter field. To view time for one Client-Matter only, enter a Client and a Matter number. The F8 Look-Up Function and the LOOK-UP Button are available in this field. Timekeeper Tab If you are a Timekeeper, the criteria will default to the Current Person. If you are not a Timekeeper, the criteria for transactions will default to All. Timekeepers can be Selected from the Available list. This list is based on Proxy. Entry ID's Tab If you are a Timekeeper, the criteria will default to All. If you are not a Timekeeper, the criteria for transactions will default to Current Person. Entry IDs can be Selected from the Available list. This list is based on Proxy. The second method of displaying Fee (or Time) transactions in the Main Grid, is to use the Fee Calendar. This is accomplished by using the mouse and double- clicking on either a day, week total, or by selecting multiple days (using the mouse and dragging across several days). Doing so, places the Main Grid into Calendar Mode, where the Fee Calendar now controls which Fee transactions are displayed in the Main Grid. Fee Calendar The FEE CALENDAR allows you to view time entered in the ORION system for any given month for yourself or any Timekeeper for whom you have proxy rights. Options Description ID Enter the ID of the Timekeeper you would like to view or leave the field blank to view all Timekeepers (available only in unrestricted mode). If you are a Timekeeper, the Calendar will default to your initials. You may use the F8 Look-Up Function or click the LOOK-UP Button to locate a valid ID. Note that choosing to view the Calendar for all Timekeepers my significantly increase processing time. Viewing Options When you first enter the Calendar, ORION defaults to Billable and Non-Billable Time, Billed and Unbilled at its Original Value. You may change these specifications by changing the options in the drop down boxes from the Full Calendar. You may choose to view Billable and Non-Billable Time, Billable Time Only or Non-Billable Time Only. You may choose to view time by billing status - Billed Time, Unbilled Time or Both and you may specify what values to display - Original Amount, Billed Amount or Write Ups/Downs. When you first enter the Fee Calendar, ORION defaults to the current month and year. Click the arrow keys to move up or back a month at a time. The Weekly Total can be toggled on/off by right-clicking using the mouse button on the Fee Calendar and choosing Show Weekly Total. Monthly and annual totals are also provided from the Time Statistics folder. To view actual hours versus budgeted hours, select the Budget Information folder. A budget must have been set up through the User Manager in order for this option to be valid. To print your Fee Calendar, right-click using the mouse button on the FEE CALENDAR and choose the PRINT CALENDAR option. Adding a Fee Transaction A Fee transaction can be added by selecting the NEW Button or by choosing the INSERT key from the keyboard. For more information, see ADDING FEE TRANSACTIONS above. Editing a Fee Transaction A Fee transaction, including the original time, can be edited as long as the time is yours, you entered the transaction or you have proxy rights to the transaction. The system will track when the original time has been modified and produce an audit trail. A billed transaction cannot be edited. NOTE: Editing a fee transaction is not the proper manner in which to write up or write down time. This should be done from within the Billing Preparation Program. Original time should only be changed if a mistake was made entering the time. To edit a saved transaction from the Time Manager, double-click on the Fee transaction. Once the record is displayed, make any necessary changes and either select the F10 key or click the SAVE Button to save your changes. To clear the screen without saving your changes, select the F9 key or click the CLEAR Button. To edit more than one record at a time from the Time Manager, select the transactions from the Main Grid, right-click (using the mouse button) and choose Edit Selected. When you choose Edit Selected, the following screen will appear: Options Description Date Enter the Date that you would like to change the selected Fee transactions to. You may manually enter the date, use the F8 Lookup Function or click the Pop-Up Calendar Button to choose your date Client-Matter Enter the Client-Matter number that you would like to change the selected Fee transactions to. If you do not know the correct number, you may use the F8 Look-Up Function or click the LOOK-UP Button. Phase-Task Enter the Phase-Task that you would like to change the selected Fee transactions to. If you do not know a valid code, you may use the F8 Look-Up Function or click the LOOK-UP Button. Timekeeper/Person Enter the initials for the Timekeeper that you would like to change the selected Fee transactions to. If you do not know a valid ID, you may use the F8 Look-Up Function or click the LOOK-UP Button for a list of valid IDS. Select the OK Button to accept the change(s) or CANCEL to close without saving any changes. Deleting a Fee Transaction A fee transaction can be deleted as long as the time is yours, you entered the transaction or you have proxy rights to the transaction. A billed transaction cannot be deleted. NOTE: Deleting a fee transaction is not the proper manner in which to write down time to zero. This should be done from within the Billing Preparation Program. Transactions should only be deleted if entered in error or if they are duplicates. To delete a saved transaction from the Time Manager, double-click on the Fee transaction. Once the record is displayed, use the combination of the CTRL + DELETE keys or click the DELETE Button to delete the Fee transaction. To delete more than one record at a time from the Time Manager, select the transactions from the Main Grid, and use the combination of the CTRL + DELETE keys or click the DELETE Button from the toolbar. Spell Checking and Search and Replacing The ORION Speller Program will check the spelling of words entered in the Description field of a fee transaction. You can also perform a search and replace function on a range of transactions. The Speller Program should be run after every fee entry session. The vast majority of edits on descriptions should be done at the time of entry and not at the time of billing. To access the Speller Program, click on the TOOLS Button and select SPELL AND REPLACE. The following screen will appear: The ORION Fees Spell Checker will check the spelling of words. Words in the Fee Descriptions are compared with words in the dictionary. If a word is not found in the dictionary, the program highlights it and checks for phonetic alternates in the dictionary. You are able to replace the word with an alternate spelling, edit the word, skip the word or add it to the dictionary. The ORION Fees Search and Replace function allows you to search and replace words entered in the Description field. You can replace all occurrences of the word or only certain occurrences. Report Button Upon completing Fee Entry and Edit, you should run a Fee Report to verify your work. To run this report, choose the Fee Report option from the REPORTS Button and the following screen will appear: The Fee Report lists fee transactions in various sort orders with optional restrictions. It is intended for checking your entries so the Time and Dollar amounts shown on the report reflect the last edited amount. Using Other Tools in the Time Manager The Tools Menu allows you to set various options for which fields appear in the Main Grid, Detail Panel and whether the Grouping Panel is displayed. Additionally, selected Fee transactions can be RELEASED to Work-in-Process (Unreleased Fee transactions) or COMBINED. The Tools Menu is accessed by using the right-click mouse button in the Main Grid or by choosing the TOOLS Button from the toolbar. When you choose the Tools Menu, the following screen will appear: Options Description Combine Fees Fee transactions can be merged or combined into one by selecting multiple Fee transactions from the Main Grid and choosing COMBINE FEES from the Tools Menu. Fee transactions can only be merged if they are entered for the same Date, Client-Matter and Timekeeper. Otherwise, the operation will be canceled. Release Fees Multiple Unreleased Fee transactions can be released by selecting them from the Main Grid and choosing RELEASE FEES from the Tools Menu. If it is determined that one or more Fee Transactions cannot be released, an information message will appear and only those Fee Transactions that are valid will be released. Define Views This option is reserved for the Administration of the system and is used to edit or define new options for the Time Manager View “pull-down”. Find (CTRL+F) You can locate specific Fee transactions within a larger list based on information contained in either the Client Name, Matter Name or the Fee Description. Select Grid Fields You can add or remove columns displayed in the Main Grid by choosing Select Grid Fields from the Tools Menu and dragging and dropping them to the column header. Column widths and the order that they appear can also be adjusted. Select Detail Fields You can add or remove fields displayed in the Detail Panel by choosing Select Detail Fields from the Tools Menu. The order in which they appear can also be adjusted. Show Selected Only By default, records are selected by using the Find (CTRL+F) function above. This list is a subset of the original list. To go back to the full list, simply choose this option. Doing so removes a check-mark indicating that only specific records are being viewed (as opposed to the full list). Show Grouping Panel You can add or remove the Grouping Panel by choosing this option. The Grouping Panel provides an advanced way for sorting and grouping Fee records from within the Time Manager Main Grid. Show Description By default, the Fee Description is not displayed in the Main Grid. When this option is enabled, the Fee Description will appear just below the Fee transaction in the Time Manager Main Grid. Was this article helpful? Yes/No