Orion's Attorney Assignment History

  • Updated

Orion’s Attorney Assignment History feature allows you to retain the history of timekeeper assignments on the matter level for the Originating, Managing, Project Manager, and Responsible assignments.  Any time an assignment is changed, you can enter a new “Effective Date” and the new timekeeper.  The system now retains the original assignment and any subsequent assignments.  Similar to Rate Sets, you should NOT edit existing line items (unless there is a data entry error).  To properly retain the history, you want to leave the existing assignments as is and add a new Effective Date to reflect subsequent assignments.  There are 2 reports you can run and elect to include the assignment history when you run the report.  

Changing the Attorney Assignments 

To change an attorney assignment for the Originating, Managing, Project Manager, or Responsible, click on the lookup button next to the assignment you want to change. 


In the window that comes up, you will be able to see the current assignment as well as any other history that exists.  The date of the assignment is shown in the Effective Date column, the person’s name who is or was the assigned is listed, and if it is the Originating or Project Manager assignment, you will be able to see the percentages.  The most recent Effective Date lists the current assignment.  In this example below, Janice Zirkle was the assigned from 11/18/2013 to 2/28/2019.  Daniel Alvarez and Bob Ambrogi split 50/50 from 3/1/2019 to 3/31/2019, and Ann Mathews is the assigned starting on 4/1/2019 to current.

Originating and Project Manager Assignments (which allow splits)

The Originating and Project Manager assignments allow splits (as they always have).  Click on “Add Effective Date” to add a new assignment.


The system will give you a new line item.  Enter the Effective Date you want for your new assignment.  


Click in the new line item (at the red arrow in the screen shot).


After your click in the new line item, the system will give you a drop-down arrow.


You will return to the previous window and can view your new assignment as well as any history.  Click OK and Save or Save and Close the matter record.



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