Creating a List of Favorite or Most used Matters for “My Matter List Only”

  • Updated

How do I set up a list of my favorite Matters for use when I am keying my time? I want to be able to see just my favorite or most used cases.

Orion Provides a simple way to set up a List of a User’s Favorite Matters.

To set up a list of a User’s Favorite Matters for use when keying in Time or just to be able to see a User’s Favorite or most used Cases, you may do the following, from your Orion Desktop > Time Manager > Fee Entry:

Put your cursor in the Client-Matter field. Click on the Lookup button next to the Client-Matter number field.

Once the Lookup window appears, from the “All Matter” Lookup, highlight/select the Client-Matter that you want to make your Favorite, Right Click and choose Create/Edit Nickname:


Type in a short name that you can use to remember the Case by and click OK. The Nickname will be displayed in the Nickname column in the Lookup.  Do this for each of your Client-Matters that you want to make your Favorite from the Client-Matter Lookup. Exit the Client-Matter Lookup.

The next time you go into the Lookup to find Matters, choose “My Matter List Only” from the drop down in the filter window:


The “My Matters List Only” view will always display only those Client-Matters that have been tagged with a Nickname. This Nickname is personal to the particular User that is signed on and not a firm wide setting and different Users can have different Nicknames set up for the same Cases.

To remove a Matter from the “My Matter List Only” view, simply right click on the Matter and choose “Delete Nickname”.

Note: you will have to Exit out of the Lookup to see the change take effect. 


For iOrion Users – To integrate “My” Matters from your Orion Desktop to your iOrion App:

To have these changes take effect in your iOrion App, Log out of the App and then Login to your iOrion Profile.  From the Time Manager, select the + sign in the upper right corner of the screen.  From the New Fee Entry screen, click in the Client-Matter Field.  From the Matter Lookup screen, the User should now see their Client-Matters under the “My” Lookup.


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