Prebill not printing from the Prebill Generation Screen

There are several things you need to check for this:

Access Matter Status on your task bar


  • Once in Matter Status, enter the client matter number, hit enter - Then try printing a Prebill from the ACTION, Print Prebill option.

If a Prebill prints, the issue is with your parameters in the Generate Prebills screen in the Prebill Manager. (Note selecting a prebill individually off the Matter Status screen allows you to print a prebill regardless of your settings on the Prebill Generation screen or whether you've accidently deferred the client matter from billing - so it will always work if there is data. However, you may want to still check/ correct your settings for future printing off the Prebill Generation screen for next month's billing).


  • To check further, call up the client matter and double check the Bill Status Make sure the prebill says Selected under Bill Status. If not the prebill has been deferred from billing. billstatus.PNG
  • You may change which client matters are selected/ deferred from billing by clicking on the Select/Defer button on the Prebill Generation screen shown below. Make sure the check mark under the selected column is "On" for the client matter in question. If this check box is off the matter is deferred from billing and it will not print a prebill off the prebill generation screen.


  • Make sure the Matter is set to a Billing Cycle and Fee Arrangement for which
    you are choosing to print Prebills You can check the billing cycle in Matter status under the Details tab under the billing information button shown here below. If that is right, check to make sure you're including all the appropriate bill cycles or fee arrangement when you go to print.


  • Make sure you are not choosing the Suppress option at the bottom left of the
    Generate Prebills screen - it is possible the WIP had previously been written
    down to zero but not invoiced.
  • Note the Suppress if billable amount is less than - if this option is used, it Overrides the other options. Meaning if WIP is less than amount you choose, it will suppress the Prebill even if there is AR and you choose the "include matters where there is no Current Activity Just Past Due Amounts" option ). There are times you do want to use the suppress option to prevent Prebills with no WIP from printing, however, if this particular prebill is one that is an AR only prebill or one that is printing only because a transaction has not been through an invoice cycle, you may need to take the suppress option off in order to see it print.










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