Installing a Certificate for iOrion

  • Updated

By default, the Orion Application Server which allows for access from iOrion mobility clients, uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to protect sensitive data in the database.   This cipher is proven to be very secure and is among the ciphers chosen utilized by the US Federal Government.

While this is suitable for most firms, some firms may protect their connection with a third party signed certificate and utilize TLS 1.3.  

To install a certificate for iOrion, you must have the following,

  1. One valid Certificate in pem format from a certified trusted provider.  The certificate can be a wildcard certificate, or should be assigned a subject of to match the firms domain.
  2. One valid passphrase key file matching the certificate
  3. One password used with the above key

Obtaining these three items are outside the scope of this document, however, directions on obtaining or using third-party tools such as SSL Tools are widely available.  If you need assistance with this information, please contact your IT provider.

The certificate and key must reside on a local drive of where the Orion Application Service is running.

To Install the Certificate

  1. Launch the OrionApplicationService.exe in the application directory.  This is usually installed on d:\olms\orion\orwin (use the local drive mapping and not a network drive mapping).
  2. Browse to the appropriate PEM file for the Certificate file
  3. Browse to the appropriate key file in the Private Key File location
  4. Insert password if necessary
  5. Hit Apply
  6. You can now click on View Certificate and test the TLS settings to make sure your certificate appears
  7. Once complete, restart the Orion Application Service on the server, and test with iOrion to make sure it’s functional


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